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  2. Getting started with LiteracyPlanet

Upgrade - School/Teacher plans

Our plans are suitable for all users and everyone starts with a Pro Plan trial 🎉


Ready to start your LiteracyPlanet journey following your trial? We can help you get set up!

Form the Profile dropdown select Account Settings:

Select Billing Setting then Update:

Select Update in billing contact:

Complete your Profile and continue:

Enter the number of seats and subscription terms before selecting Checkout:

At Checkout enter your card details and select Pay Now:

Congratulations! 🎉

You are now a part of the LiteracyPlanet family. The team are here to help with any questions along the way. Please reach out to us at anytime!

If you need to change your plan, please head back to Account Settings for instructions.

Want to set up a large school account? No worries! Send a message on the in-app chat 👉🏻 with your requirements and we will be in touch 😀