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Mission/task error - troubleshooting guide

Error message, we seem to have encountered an error.

What to do if an error occurs while a student is in the process of completing a task.

M Error 1

If this error occurs with a CUSTOM WORD LIST, you can troubleshoot by checking the list on the teacher dashboard for any missing sound or context sentences.

  1. Click on the sound icon on each word - you should hear the spoken word

  2. Check for a missing context sentence

M Error 2

If you encounter any issues with missing sound or context sentences, please provide us with the name of the Custom Word list and the specific word that is affected.

When reporting errors for tasks, please provide the following details so our Customer Care team can identify the problem:

- Is this issue occurring for multiple students or just one?

- Does the error occur when starting the Mission or when accessing Learn, Practice, or Test?

- Include the Username of the person experiencing the error

- Mention the name of the mission/task and the corresponding year level

Kindly share this information via the chat feature on your dashboard or send an email to hello@literacyplanet.com.