Amending & deleting students
How to edit, disable and delete individual students
Click on Tools from your Teacher Dashboard
Select Manage Students
Select the dropdown box on the Cog next to the student you want to edit
Select Edit, Disable or Delete
Edit Student to change the name (password must be at least 4 digits), year level and classes.
a. Edit the name of the student b. Password for the student can be reset (must be a minimum of 4 characters) c. Change year d. Select classes e. Save changes
There is an option to Limit Student Access (they won't be able to log in), use this instead of deleting a student as access can be restored.
To 'Delete' a student select 'Delete' instead of 'Edit' or 'Disable'

Note - this is a permanent change and we may not be able to retrieve student(s) if they are deleted in error.
Accidentally deleted a student? Contact us at with the student's login and class name.